The Lions 0-16 season can't make the cover of SI, then at least one of our local writers can, Mitch Albom. Albom wrote a great story about Detroit in the current issue and used his famous writing style to engage the reader. His devious method this time was
As if
He was angry about the way the media, politicians and folks outside the Midwest treat Michigan and its residents. He wrote about the Southern senators lambasting the Big 3; Detroit inventing the auto but now autos are poison; Detroit sports that have done well and Detroit sports that have disappointed; the homeless who still have hope and still have hope the Lions will win; and that Michigan is not gum underneath the shoe.
As if
No one knew these things about Detroit and Michigan. I was working out this morning when one of the members stated that he was in Vancouver over the weekend and the weather was -25F. He went on to say how could anyone live in Vancouver with it being so cold in the winter. I replied back that's how people in Florida think about us here in Michigan. Fact is, we are one country in which Obama will take over next week. But each region is unique and most regions really don't care about one another.
As if
Michigan is going to truly re-innovate itself, it's going to take more than talking about the past-it's over, it's done, we've been there-now where are we going? One of things Albom forgot to mention was all the retailers that have gone bust in Michigan. I remember Crowley's, Harmony House, Highland Appliance, Fretter's, Sanders, Jacobson's, Korvette's, Arbor (OK, they were bought out), Hudson's, Arlan's, Gantos, F&M, and the list goes on. With Border's near extinction, what's the answer for retail?
As if
2009 is going to be any better. Listen, we all want 2009 to be better but it's going to take a seismic shift to make it happen. Last night we held our annual Celebration of Life dinner for our Kemon Owner Circle members. I spoke with salon owners who know the gritty part of running a business and being responsive to their clients needs. They are optimistic because they know something most others don't: Working smarter, not harder, brings results. These salon owners some in the business for more than 25 years learned that Kemon and tng worldwide are responsible for their success in the fact that they were given the tools to move forward. They already had the will, the resolve and the determination.
As if
We don't know the answer. The answer lies in leadership. I've said it time and time again. Mitch, I love your writing and love what you do. Perhaps it's time for your to run for public office. Forget sports, politics is where the action is. And you will no longer have to cover the Detroit Lions.
Happy Monday!