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It's hard to believe, but it's true: My book is live on Amazon and available for pre-order. I was told the live date was going to be January 4 and I am sticking with it. However for my loyal readers on my blog, you can order the book now at a very special price, just click here.

Now for the backend of the fnal chapter on how this all came to come to fruition. I actually realized the idea to write the book January 4 and for the book to be live December 12 is very impressive. I approved the Galley December 4 and that is when everything rolled quickly (the galley is the pages between the covers). Once you sign off on this, there are no more changes that can be made to the book. The book is 385 pages and includes 40 or so photos.

With the galley done, next up was to hire a professional talent to record the audiobook. Forbes gave me six pro's to select from and my team picked one. I would love to share the sample with you but Wix doesn't allow mp3 embeds. The audiobook will be ready with the ship date of the book April 9.

Next up was to create the Amazon A+ page, set up my Author Central account on Amazon and approve the copy and artwork. The A+ page features graphics in the middle of the page and should be live any day.

The Forbes team is now working on marketing, advertising and promotion for the book and I should have an excellent idea of everything happening early next year. I will say the entire process is very exciting and I can't believe how much work and effort goes into the launch of a book. And to think more than 5000 books are launched daily on Amazon!

Last weekend was our Annual Meeting and I invite you to read my article on LinkedIn, it was an amazing experience for our all our employees. I called it a "fairy tale" event because you think that only things like this can happen in a faily tale. As always for every company meeting, I buy everyone TNG gear to wear. This year everyone received a very cool coral sweatshirt and a ultra-soft zip-up hoodie.

Happy holidays and thank you for ordering my book! Please share the link with everyone you think would enjoy reading it which is probably everyone you know. HA!

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